Social media's portrayal of childhood success as beautiful , happy , content and vibrant children .... needs to be challenged ... I believe it is the imperfect , the complex , the raw and the wild that makes the truest, most powerful and remarkable stories .... the stories we hold on to , the ones we pass on ,and the ones we chose to take with us when we go.

As photographers I have an opportunity , a responsibility even , to make pictures that see beyond the aesthetics , that shake human minds and hearts awake , that reveal and celebrate the compelling truth and depth that exsist in our tiny , weird and wild moments .


What if family photography was more than imposed smiles , enforced expressions , and

What if it was grit , unpredictable , powerful , raw ..

What if photography could reveal how family , life , adventure feels with , excitement , tension , fustration , connection , relationships , togetherness , courage.


What if we realise that this is the stories we want